Non-reproducible bugs are those that cannot be reproduced based on the user description and reasonable efforts that a developer makes to take into the account additional factors that the user has not explicitly mentioned.

Most frequently they affect just a single user or extremely small group of users, as the bugs affecting a large number of users have higher probability of being reproduced by definition. Also more users imply that there is the more precise feedback as each of them may provide additional details. Finally they are highly unlikely to be caused by some rare factors that are not available on most of the devices.

There can be various causes that make the bug non-reproducible:

  • It may require very specific and rare data that trigger the bug or very specific and unusual workflow.
  • Various kind of data, software, hardware and infrastructure corruption may cause the app not to work properly.
  • Specific rarely used settings in the app or in the operating system.

Non-reproducible bugs cannot be fixed as their cause is unknown until they become reproducible. The user may make the bug reproducible by submitting additional details.

Most frequently (but not always) non-reproducible bugs are caused by some corruption on the device. In such cases they can be fixed only from the user side. The user needs to follow the troubleshooting guide for his device in the Help.

If this link has been sent to you by the email the submitted bug is currently not reproducible. You may try some of advice mentioned in this text.