Exploring ElevenLabs’ iPhone App and How It Compares to Speech Central

ElevenLabs has made a name for itself by providing some of the best AI-generated voices on the market. Their offerings have been highly regarded, but they come with a hefty price tag—traditionally, their services have cost users around $100 per month. This premium pricing has made ElevenLabs a desirable yet costly option for text-to-speech (TTS) enthusiasts.

Recently, ElevenLabs has caught the attention of many by releasing an iOS app that is compatible with both the iPhone and iPad. This app marks an intriguing development for TTS users, but despite its release, it carries several characteristics that align it more closely with a beta product:

  • The app is currently available only in English, specifically in UK and US variants.
  • Surprisingly, the service—previously priced at $100/month—is currently free to use. This unusual move suggests that ElevenLabs might be using this period to gather feedback and refine the app, essentially treating users as beta testers. Additionally, it could be a strategic marketing investment aimed at gaining market share.
  • There are numerous bugs reported by users, which are evident both in the app’s changelog and in user reviews. These issues further suggest that the app might still be in an early stage of development.

At Speech Central, we welcome powerful competitors like ElevenLabs into the market. Their entry not only highlights the growing interest in TTS technology but also brings more attention to this industry as a whole. Increased competition ultimately benefits all users by driving innovation and broadening the market.

However, it’s important to note that apps like ElevenLabs’ are not direct competitors to Speech Central. In fact, many users who initially explore these new apps often find their way to Speech Central. Here’s why:

  • Comprehensive Feature Set: Speech Central offers the widest range of features with meticulous attention to detail, making it a go-to choice for users who demand versatility and precision.
  • Support for Multiple Speech Engines: Our app supports a growing number of speech engines, ensuring that users can switch to the best available engine without any data loss. This adaptability provides long-term security, no matter which engine becomes the industry leader.
  • Better Value: The speech engines currently supported by Speech Central offer better value than ElevenLabs. Microsoft’s AI comes close in quality and even includes a generous free tier, while OpenAI offers comparable quality at a fraction of the cost—up to 10 times less than ElevenLabs’ official pricing.

Looking ahead, Speech Central is likely to support ElevenLabs voices, even though they have their own official app. This approach mirrors our support for Pocket—despite its official app, many users prefer Speech Central for its enhanced functionality and broader feature set.

Interested in experiencing the best in TTS technology? Download Speech Central today and discover why it’s the choice of discerning users worldwide.