Experience OpenAI’s Cutting-Edge Text-to-Speech on Your iPhone with Speech Central

OpenAI TTS Arrives on iOS: Transforming Voice Technology With the latest release, Speech Central now harnesses OpenAI’s revolutionary text-to-speech technology (the company also provides the well-known ChatGPT service), setting a new benchmark for voice streaming […]


How to get NaturalReader highest quality voices for free?

Unlock Premium Voices for Free with Microsoft Azure and Speech Central For those seeking the highest quality text-to-speech voices without the hefty price tag, there’s a savvy solution that leverages Microsoft Azure AI’s offerings. Known […]


Unreal Speech: The New Affordable Cloud Speech Engine for iPhone and Android

The Advent of Unreal Speech There’s a fresh player in town: Unreal Speech. This brand new cloud speech engine has entered the market, offering unparalleled value. Quality Voices at Competitive Prices Just like its competitors, […]


The Landscape of Text-to-Speech Voices on iPhone: Acapela, CereProc, IVONA, and Beyond

The Dawn of a New Era with iOS 16: Unlocking Third-Party Voices Until the release of iOS 16, it was a technical impossibility for developers to distribute apps that offer third-party text-to-speech voices on iPhones. […]


Amazon Polly iOS Integration – Exploring Cloud Voice Streaming Services

In the realm of cloud voice streaming, numerous services have emerged that offer high-quality voices. Among them, Amazon Polly, Google WaveNet, and Azure Cognitive Resources lead the pack. These services have revolutionized text-to-speech technology, offering […]


Superior Text-To-Speech Solutions on iPhone for Global Languages

The world is indeed a global village, and with the rapid advancement of technology, breaking through language barriers has never been more straightforward. Apple’s built-in text-to-speech (TTS) support on iPhones and iPads has been a […]


Unleashing the Power of High-Speed Text-to-Speech: Reading at Warp Speed with Speech Central

Optimizing Text-to-Speech for High-Speed Reading When it comes to text-to-speech (TTS) technology, speed and voice quality are two essential factors. As we rework Speech Central, we’re pushing the limits of both by offering even higher […]


Harness the Power of Azure TTS on Your iPhone and iPad with Speech Central

Unlock the Potential of AI Voices for Free or at a Fraction of the Cost Microsoft’s Azure Cognitive Services has established itself as a leader in AI voice technology. Offering dozens of languages and a […]


NaturalReader vs Speechify vs Speech Central

I’ve made a very detailed post that compares Speech Central, Voice Dream Reader and Speechify on over 100 criteria. Several times since then I’ve been asked: “And what about NaturalReader?”. So here comes the answer. […]


How can you get Speechify high quality AI voices for free?

Speechify is known for its high quality voices available only in its subscription tier (usually charged 139$/year). Many people are attracted to such high quality voices and wonder if you can get those features of […]