How to get NaturalReader highest quality voices for free?

Unlock Premium Voices for Free with Microsoft Azure and Speech Central For those seeking the highest quality text-to-speech voices without the hefty price tag, there’s a savvy solution that leverages Microsoft Azure AI’s offerings. Known […]


Beta testing of the next gen of Speech Central

UPDATE: as lot of people are still coming to this page, it is useful to know that the new generation of the app has been successfully tested and published and you can get it now […]


Finding Your GhostReader Alternative on macOS

Move Beyond GhostReader: Next-Gen Text-to-Speech Solutions for macOS The End of an Era for GhostReader Long-standing as a pivotal tool for macOS users, GhostReader’s lack of updates has left many seeking a modern GhostReader alternative. […]


Navigating Privacy in Text-to-Speech Apps on iOS and Android

In the world of text-to-speech applications, choosing the right one for your iOS or Android device often involves weighing functionality against data security. As privacy and security concerns rise, users are scrutinizing how these apps […]


Text-to-Speech Windows vs Mac

Speech Central is dependent on the voices provided by the device. As such it may be useful for potential users to be educated on differences of voices provided by the most popular desktop operating systems […]